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Consultative and Financial Assistance

For the benefit of central and regional administrative bodies (contracting authorities) Ministry of Finance provides so called consultation and financial assistance. Within this assistance the Ministry of Finance procures for the benefit of contracting authorities an advisor (consortium of financial, technical and legal advisors) to assist with elaboration of PPP project feasibility study . The Ministry of Finance also covers costs of the services provided by the adviser using structural funds assigned for the development of PPP in Slovakia (Technical Assistance Scheme for PPPs). Due to limited amount of the funds for the assistance there is no legal title to consultation and financial assistance.

The necessary requirement for obtaining of the consultation and financial support from the Technical Assistance Scheme for PPPs is the elaboration of the project proposal and its submission to the Ministry of Finance. A project proposal shall be submitted by a public administration body (submitter of project draft) which actually initiates a PPP project. The submitter of the project proposal shall be at the same time the contracting authority of the PPP project (definition of contracting authority is in the methodological document Codex for  Management of PPP Project– only slovak version).

Project proposal  must be elaborated in compliance with the requirements stated in the document – Contents of PPP Project Proposal and Criteria for its Selection – and submitted to the Ministry of Finance by the deadline according to the schedule for submission of project drafts.

The regular deadline of project proposal  submission in 2010 is the 31st of September. The project proposals can be submitted from the 1st of July. In case there has not been submitted any project proposal by this deadline there is a substitute deadline – the 28th of February 2011. 

Consequently the Ministry of Finance will evaluate (through the Project Committee and the Steering Committee) every submitted project proposal and will decide on awarding the contracting authorities submitting their project proposals by the consultation and financial assistance.

The instrument to select the submitted project proposal is the set of elimination and selection criteria. All elimination criteria must be fulfilled for consequent evaluation of project proposal in accordance with selection criteria. The selection criteria are set up in the way that the Ministry of Finance will select the project drafts which are most likely to be implemented via PPP. All the criteria meet actual economic situation, legislation and methodology regulating PPP in the Slovak Republic and also the regulation on the EU level. 

The requirement necessary to receive consultation and financial assistance is the conclusion of the Contract on cooperation during provision of the consultation and financial assistance from the Technical Assistance Scheme for PPPs between the Ministry of Finance and submitter of the selscted project proposal (hereinafter referred as to the “beneficiary”). The contract will regulate legal relationships in provision of the consultation and financial assistance, especially the terms of financing of an advisor, the obligation of beneficiary to follow the methodology documents issued by the Ministry of Finance and the obligation to nominate 2 representatives of the Ministry of Finance with voting right  for steering committee of the PPP project (1 representative to monitor the methodology and 1 representative to monitor the  prospective impact of the PPP project on the public debt and deficit). Additionally the beneficiary is bound to invite to sessions of the steering committee a representative of the Ministry of Finance who is an expert in the public procurement, however only in the stage of public procurement stage of PPP project preparation (i.e. the stage of completion of competition documentation, selection of the private partner and conclusion of the PPP contract).

After the conclusion of the above mentioned contract with the beneficiary the Ministry of Finance will procure consortium of advisors and conclude the Contract on provision of advisory services for preparation of the PPP project. On the basis of the contract the advisor will prepare a feasibility study in cooperation with the beneficiary.

Detailed procedure of the project proposal submission is set in the document – Manual for submitter of a project proposal applying for consultation and financial assistance from the Technical Assistance Scheme for PPPs (last update 31st of December 2009)